
Telecom – MahindraConviva - HCE COMVIVA Integration

The objective of the project was to integrate into our Mobile application the SDK developed by the Multinational Comviva for digital payment through Token-based communication for HCE (Host card emulation) software architecture.
The project financed by Telecom was developed on the Pluton platform owned by Paybay, a company of the QuiGroup Holding! (IMEL – Institute of Electronic Money)
The POC was carried out at various Telecom canteens in Rome for the payment of meals. Involving an audience of around 100 Telecom employees.
My role was that of
• Management of the two development factories, one in Italy and one in India:
- Mobile APP team Backend Pluton team
- POS development team
• SPOC towards Conviva team away for the project in Rome
• SPOC towards Telecom and canteen management.

Client: Telecom Italia
Type: Mobile APP - Payments
Year: 2016